Sunday, 13 September 2009

the wind-up

today i was ill.. the whole day. the night before i was coughing all night. Didn't get a bit of sleep, it felt so bad words cant describe it lol. i was coughing up blood after the first part of the night... and the coughing after that started hurting the lower part of my stomach. It actually felt like i was been punched there every time i coughed.. the next day was work and i was just too shattered, mentally and physically.

Although i skipped work today.. i made sure i tried to get the most out of the day and the gorgeous weather that i will never experience in London. i went on the roof. the house is like a cube shaped building so its easy access to the roof. just 3 flights of stairs and your on that roof with the most immense view of the mountains and rice paddies.

In about half an hour im going to the hospital so i have to make this short and sweet.

i took my ipod and some ipod speakers that i purchased from Kathmandu. Got my spare blanket that was given to us by the family laid it on the ground.. took out some murakami..listening to ravi shankar.. it was a moment that i will never forget because it was just perfect. I love murakami and his style the way he just dives into the smallest minute details and finds a way to make it a picture right in front of you... even if hes just describing the alarm going off on a clock. lol im going to the hospital now as soon as ive written this out.

Today was a break away from the routine of hard labour, as thats what we have been doing for the past month and a bit. it felt good to know that i deserved this special time for myself...Just going with the flow of an average nepali day. All the family does in the day is sleep because its just so hot to go outside.. and i can never sleep when the heat is so immense...


  1. Shit man that sounds really bad! What did the docs say?? I hope everything's alright man :S.

    The way you described your reading reminds me of that scene in Norwegian Wood where that girl is playing the guitar whilst behind her is a building on fire...I don't really know why it reminds me of that, but it does :P.

  2. What are you without the bruises?

  3. fuk me man, coughing blood bro let me know wht happens. hope your fine we need yu bacj
    nuff love x
    omz & z
